Nonprofit Video Production

Mediapolis can make your nonprofit video production more effective. But what does an effective video look like. Moving images, beautiful text and synchronized music helps makes video a powerful medium to convey your message. But what makes your video effective?


A storytelling video is the most effective way any organization is able communicate its message to its target audience. How is a storytelling video different from other videos? First, it casts real people who tell authentic stories. There are no scripts but the process is guided with clear expectations of the idea. This method adds to the probability of spontaneous and unscripted moments.

When nonprofits tell their story with video they are able to sell their idea to donors, volunteers and clients.

A survey of nonprofits conducted by Google and Millward Brown Digital found out that 39% of respondents researched a nonprofit within 24 hours of watching an online video ad.

Types of Nonprofit Videos

One type of video that is common to all organizations is the brand or origin story. These videos communicate your organization’s vision and cause. It allows supporters to know what to expect of the organization and influence the way the organization is perceived. There are many deserving nonprofits and a video can help your organization differentiate itself from your competition.

An awareness video uses the same storytelling techniques as a brand story, but focuses more on the nonprofits’ reality behind its cause and its impact. These videos dive deeper especially when an organization has more than one cause that motivate people to act.

Event videos are another type of video that is common to many organizations. A event video can include recording or live streaming a gala to interviewing participants for highlight video.

Studies show that appreciating and thanking can help you win new friends so it makes sense that a thank you video helps with donor retention. Using storytelling techniques the video shows the impact of the donation to the donors and volunteers.

Staff training is common to all organizations but can be especially important for organizations that use lots of volunteers.

nonprofit video production “People will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

If you’re interested in learning more about how Mediapolis can make your nonprofit video production more effective using storytelling techniques contact us for a free consultation.

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